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Allington Primary School

Primary School


Assessment in primary schools was reformed in 2016 and a new expected standard has been created which reflects a higher standard than that in 2015. Results are no longer reported as levels; each child receives their test results as a scaled score from 80 -120. This in turn is read alongside an attainment measure of the 'expected standard' in a given curriculum area.
In order to achieve the Expected Standard for Year 6, a pupil must have a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’.
In order to achieve the Higher Standard at the end of Key Stage 2, a pupil must have a high scaled score in reading and high scaled score in mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at a greater depth’. A high scaled score refers to scores of 110 and over.

Allington Primary School’s KS2 outcomes for 2024 are detailed below, alongside the national average (where available) for comparison.  

KS2 SATs Results 2024 

Children achieving expected standard or above 

  Reading             Writing               Maths                   GPS                         Combined      
Allington 83% 86% 91% 88% 80%
National 74% 72% 73% 72% 61%
Difference        +9% +14% +18% +16% +19%

 Averaged scaled scores

  Reading                          Maths                           GPS                  
Allington        109 108 109
National 105 104 105
Difference +4 +4 +4

Children achieving a higher level of attainment

  Reading     Writing                           Maths                               GPS  
Allington        58% 14% 38% 41%


You can see school performance tables by following the link in the side bar.

Please see below for congratulations from Damian Hinds MP, Minister for Schools for being in the top 1% of the country with our 2022/23 KS2 results.