Supporting learning at home
We know we are really lucky with the parental support we have at Allington Primary School and in particular the role we all play in forming a team around the child. We understand that lots of parents support learning at home, both during term-time and beyond. To support you with this, we have signposted some resources for you to use if you wish. Please do not feel that these are essential, they are for you and your child should you both feel you would like to do something in addition to the work they are doing in school.
BBC Bitesize
Many short videos about a whole range of topics based around the National Curriculum
BBC school radio
There are many programmes including audio books.
My Maths
Excellent for using for lessons as well as homework. Children have individual logins. Please complete any activities you would like, remember you can access different year groups if you feel your child needs a challenge or a bit of revision in a particular aspect of the curriculum.
Good resources for KS1 children to practise number bonds. Children have personalised log ins.
STEM activities
Family learning ideas for Science and technology through
Spelling Shed
Children have a log in and can practise spellings by playing interactive games.
Lots of great catchy songs to help learn Maths and English facts
Timestable rockstars
Great resource for revision of multiplication and division facts. Children access with personalised log ins.
From the organisation behind Ted talks. This is lessons from around the world in a wide range of subjects. Free during closures.
Workbooks can be downloaded for free from