how we support learners with send
Every Teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all children in their class. The Teacher Standards 2012 detail the expectations on all teachers, and we at Allington Primary School are proud of our teachers, our learning support staff and their development.
Our teachers will use various strategies to adapt access to the curriculum, this might include using:
- Visual timetables
- Writing frames
- I-pads or laptops
- Peer buddy systems
- Positive behaviour rewards system
Each learner identified as having SEND, is entitled to support that is ‘additional to or different from’ a normal differentiated curriculum. The type of support is dependent on the individual learning needs, and is intended to enable access to learning and overcome the barrier to learning identified. This support is described on a provision map, which describes the interventions and actions that we undertake as a school to support learners with SEND. The provision maps are updated at least three times per year, with smart targets set each time to support progress.